Skylla radio automation
Skylla radio automation

When an ad is played over the air, we will select an ad that closest fits the length of the on-air ad and stretch or compress the scheduled replacement to fit. This will allow you to replace any advertisement that are between 5 and 72 seconds. You are able to schedule ads that are specified as 10-second, 15-second, 30-second, and 60-second. We are aware that you do not have the time to schedule another radio station in addition to your on-air broadcast so although our scheduling system provides many options that allow you to schedule the ads with the flexibility that you need, it is very simple to use. Scheduling of your advertisements is completed via our web-based interface that is located on our BroadCaster Control website. We currently work with the following systems. When a station has a new DAS system that we do n0t work with, we build an interface to integrate with it. We work with every automation system that has been brought to our attention by our clients.


To further simplify the process, our technicians have free remote software available for download that will allow them to complete the setup process for you on your computer. Most systems require simply selecting the appropriate system from a list and checking a box indicating the type of data that the system will be sending. Integration with your automation system is completed with a simple interface that we have included in our Syrinx Broadcaster software. Based on our deployment with hundred of radio stations, we have built our system to receive the data in all requested formats including file, serial, xml, and tcp/ip. Most system's provide multiple ways to receive the needed data. Digital Automation SystemsĪd replacement solutions require a connection to an automation system. Our solution is able to replace any advertisement that is between 5 and 72 seconds. With our proprietary software, that was developed by our own developers, you are not limited to replacing only fixed length ads. Vă rugăm să rețineți că bifarea casetei de selectare „În stoc” poate limita afișarea la numai produsele disponibile pentru livrare direct de pe raft.ChristianNetcast was the first to successfully deploy an ad replacement technology and to enable our clients with the ability to monetize their internet broadcasts. Scopul nostru este de a informa clienții cu privire la numărul maxim de produse disponibile și de a le permite să ia decizii pe baza specificațiilor, prețurilor, disponibilității, minimelor necesare și sfaturilor noastre tehnice. Chiar dacă este nerezonabil să aveți toate aceste produse în stoc din cauza vânzărilor limitate, credem că este în interesul clienților noștri să le punem la dispoziție. DACPOL oferă produse care nu sunt în stoc din următoarele motive: DACPOL are în prezent un număr mare de componente electronice în stoc și adaugă produse noi în fiecare zi, cu toate acestea, zeci de mii de componente suplimentare și diferitele variante ale acestora sunt disponibile de la furnizorii noștri. Astfel de produse sunt disponibile pentru cumpărare, totuși, datorită bazei limitate de clienți, de obicei au cantități minime mai mari. Produsele marcate „La comandă” în coloana „Cantitate disponibilă” nu sunt de obicei în stoc.

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  • Skylla radio automation